Our Machinery Shed, which underwent major refurbishments in 2019 thanks to a grant from the NSW Government, is a treasure trove of vintage tools and equipment

Some were handmade for specific purposes, often crafted from cannibalised parts and others had to be imported from far-off manufacturers.


Chocolate Wheel Dunny: Hygiea Dissolventor

Now part of out Vintage Machinery Shed, the ‘Chocolate-Wheel Dunny’ was known by generations of kids, over 60,000 were sold in Australia and in the South Pacific, Asia and South Africa between 1920 and 1975 when production ended.

The Railway from Nowhere to Nowhere

The Vintage Machinery Shed contains many larger items from the Mullumbimby Railway Station.

Watch the brief video of the mural painted by Samantha Wortlehock